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weekend photos






Some of our weekend.

Time spent at home, sledding at Jason and Rochelle’s. Rochelle figured out a cool system for using the bottom of their pet carrier to drag the kids around behind their 4 wheeler. (That way Jeremiah could also go sledding.) While we were out there some friends, Shelby and Melanie and kids,  came to visit. (I wish I would have grabbed my camera.) And then Sunday was filled with some great time with friends at church, along with a little more down time at home.

And tonight, I’m trying out General Tso’s chicken for supper.

*I finished Matheau’s winter hat. Pattern is Cairn from Ysolda.

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a new year begins.

Alright, I have taken my time about starting this post. What I am thinking about tackling for the new year? What parts of my life do I want to live with more consistency and dedication? I honestly hate to commit.

I would rather just take photos of my pretty bowls…. and knitting projects that take me way too long to complete. {grin}…


This last year held a lot of transition for me. I went from working several hours a week outside of the home to more then doubling that, I’ve also taken on more responsibilities regarding the financial side of redlogic (responsibilities = time). Throw in adding a third child to our home school schedule and I have struggled. The thought of becoming any more consistent in anything really pushes me the other way. And then there is this place, the blog. As hard as I try to want to give it up, because, it does take time, I just haven’t been able to force it totally out of my routine. I still enjoy looking back and seeing that I really do accomplish a few things over time. And a real bonus, when a recipe is lost and I know it is here, the print button is just way too convenient.

So… some thoughts of resolutions…

*The wok. I purchased one with Christmas money. Last year I worked at improving my soup making skills, this year it is going to be the stir fry.

*Another year of “My Utmost for His Highest”. It makes me more humble and thankful for salvation through my Lord Jesus Christ each day. Also to get “Crazy Love” read. I’ve started, that is about it.

*school-staying on top of Hannah’s and adding Sonlight back in at home. This is huge for me. We are starting with language arts for Luke and soon to be Alli as well. If Luke is going to go to public school next year, I really want him to have this as part of his foundation. I used Sonlight when Hannah was younger. I loved it, but it is very time intensive. Since time is something I already run short of, this was a choice that was really about what will be best for Luke. With dyslexia, we have had lots of struggles and I feel like we are finally at a place where we can take this on and still love each other at the end of each school day.

*to keep up my newly and more functional book keeping system for personal, and all business related papers…and bill paying “stuff”. I now have clipboards above the computer table so that it is easy to grab the appropriate one needed. I’ll try to talk about that at a later date.

*cardio-I used to run with out fail. When I started teaching more I made plenty of excuses why I couldn’t fit cardio in anymore. Well, my body is paying for it. 20 minutes a day-that all I am going for.

* blogging – to post about some more specifics (this one is really a low on the list of priorities goal). I have ideas I started recording for craft/knitting projects that if I can carve out the time, I would love to share here. Along with just recording “what we have learned” kind of things. I am forgetting some of the kids younger struggles and how we dealt with them… I would like to journal some of them before my mind totally forgets.. and of course photos, because that is why I still love blogs way more then facebook. It is so much about the photos.




*Family time – Matheau purchased Rock Band with some of his Christmas money. With this crazy cold weather we have been jammin’ in the basement. I would love to learn to play those drums… now I know the drums seem a bit self serving, but if you fail bad enough, then no one gets to finish the song. So it is all about the family band. 😉

And that is all I’ve got. What are some of yours?

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This and that.

This little flower should have taken no time at all. After about a week and a half-it was finished.

Pattern was from Blair (wisecraft), posted over at Design*Sponge.


And I posted this over at Fresh Eggs, but I tried this amazing caramel corn (with pecans instead of peanuts) – it was way too good. Warning – if you made any dietary new year’s resolutions, you may want to wait for a while to try this one. (Scroll down a bit and you will find it.)

We are having another snow day today. The high is around 4 degrees. My only trip out is to go to the post office. Stay warm!

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It’s Friday.

So… it has taken several days for me to transition from most thoughts being with my brother-in-laws family to my own… Sending Hannah out the door with lunch money and the correct number of gifts was a good step. I had greater things in mind for her wonderful teacher (and other loved ones) but I have had to just let some of my expectations go.  The moment I would think about getting the fabric cut and sewn along with everything else… I would freeze. And now I just have a bunch of fabric spread out around my sewing machine.

One plan I had to let go was to give my kids classes treat bags with extra cookies. Well that did not happen, but I do have a printable I designed, so if you would like to use it, please do. They are four inches wide, and when folded in half, two inches tall. They fit the standard treat bags I had purchased at wal-mart or target. (I printed mine out with a sturdy card stock that will run through my printer, normal printer paper would work fine as well.)

Treat bag printables.
Christmas treat bag tags.

Also, I found some fun little projects at Felt and Thistle.

And something I really thought was cool at The Small Object.

And a couple of photos…



Whoopie pies were made a few weeks ago. Liz had a really good time helping me. Again, the recipe is from “Baked“.

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Wordless Wednesday-maybe not…


Jason’s femur surgery is today. There will be bone grafting to besides just “fixing” the femur.

So with their family on my mind, we are going to tackle a bit of school, along with coming up with a new plan for some of my previous Christmas gift plans. It is hard to switch gears…

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Where do I even start?

Last Monday I woke up thinking about class, two more weeks of school before  break, and baking with clementines – and making lots of cookies. And those thoughts continued to roll around in my my head throughout my Monday. Monday evening Hannah had her first band concert. We were getting ready to head to the concert when we got a call that my brother-in-law and boys were in an accident and to send Mat. That was it. Mat and my Mom-in-law  headed to check on them, I took the kids to the concert.

As soon as Hannah finished playing, I headed out to use a friend’s cell phone and call and check on them. I didn’t even get the call made before I learned it wasn’t just a “stuck in the ditch” type of accident. The other driver (had come across into their lane) and had not survived. Jason and one of the boys were still trapped in the vehicle. They had gotten the youngest one out and he was on his way to the hospital. When I arrived they were still getting Jason out. We followed to the hospital.

Today, the boys are coming home. Jeremiah with a wheel chair because his femur was broken, but his skull had been fractured and his brain and the membrane around it were not damaged in anyway.   Jason has one more surgery on Wednesday.

There has been miracle upon miracle and I am going to try to write them down over the next week. God was not only watching over them that night, but he shielded their bodies and minds from injuries that could have taken their lives.

Please keep them and my sister-in-law, Rochelle in your prayers over the coming weeks.

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I had great intentions to play five senses friday today, but it is now 10 pm and I have a lot to do before I head to Springfield tomorrow… it is going to have to wait. I did finish a mini sweater for the tree and some handwarmers for Hannah today (between piano lessons and “Elf”). Otherwise the day was filled with learning about stained glass at the Louisburg library and some doctor appointments. (The photos were taken throughout the week. The rose is my last one that bloomed this year. The last one is the first mini wallet I mentioned previously from here.)

Have a great and restful weekend!


some good things.


Another one from “Baked”. My Dad-In-Law turned 60 last week. We surprised him with a party. I didn’t feel well that day, but I lasted long enough to bake the Milk Chocolate Malt Ball Cake. I tried it the next day and as far as cakes go, very pleased with the taste and the texture, especially the frosting.

Right now my list of to-do’s is way longer then the hours available so here are a few of the things I hope to fit in or find really cool right now…

Canaan’s marshmallows

-The wallet patterns from “sew i do”. Also lovin’ these wallets.

-jewelry from Sulu and Sweet Thunder – basically all the earrings I wear are from one of these two. A couple of years ago I signed up for the earrings of the month club. It was very worth the money.

-knitting up some more  Toasty handwarmers in smaller sizes.

-the kids favorite Christmas album this year is by sixpence none the richer.

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So many things… however, I have kiddos on both sides of me waiting for me. So right now, I am thankful the Lord blessed us with four children. And a backyard to step out in and catch of glimpse of beauty when I am worn out.

photo from this summer.


Lavender and french press slippers.


One of my last projects in the garden was to harvest the remaining lavender-I was very late this year so I am thankful that the weather has been so warm . My plan is to make sachets-but that was my plan last year and it never happened. However, if you walk throughout our home right now, you can spot lavender drying in random spots. I know it is best to dry in a dark spot, but sometimes you just have to make choices that help a gal smile…


This was my first felting project. I have to say, I don’t know if felting is for me. I may be a bit too impatient for it. However the slippers are a super fast knit and the instructions were great. The pattern can be found at French Press Knits. She also sells them already made to fit. (If I could copy her banner-I would.)

One last thing. I spotted a really cute cupcake printable over here– for free. 🙂

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