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Archive for March 12, 2008

How exactly a “kid crop” happens…

Warning: kid birth photos below. They are a bit graphic.  First, I have to say thanks to Suzanne, Chris, Logan and Lukas for letting us invade and attempt to help out for a few hours. Last Friday, my Mom had come down for the day and we took her with us. I was so mad at myself because I had forgotten my camera and wasn’t able to get any photos with her and our children, our the triplets that were born while we were there. As I mentioned in the previous post, we went back out Saturday morning and were able to be there while Starry delivered twins. Starry is one of Lucas’ LaMache milk goats and she is an amazing Momma. You will see in the photos to come that as soon as she delivered the first kid, she started to clean her off -while having the second! And both kids were long-legged so the deliveries didn’t go too quickly.  This was a wonderful opportunity to talk about birth and how babies are born. It inspired a lot of questions about what it was like when they (Hannah, Luke, Allison and Lizzie) were born. (I was hoping for this.) I don’t want sex and childbirth to be a “dirty” topic and I feel like seeing animals coming into the world is much easier on them and myself to learn/introduce that this a natural part of life.   Thanks again Chris, Suzanne, Logan and Lukas! 

Starry had been having contractions for (I think) about 25 minutes before she reached this phase.   

.starry_birth_1.jpg starry_birth_2.jpg 

 You can see the kids hoof at the top of the sack.


Chris guiding the legs a bit.

starry_birth_4.jpg starry_birth_5.jpg 

Here she is! 

starry_birth_6.jpg  starry_birth_7.jpg  

Already trying to walk. 


Momma caring for her. 


Fast forward to kid #2!



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