Welcome to the Casner Family Blog


Just last year around this time our friends Suzanne and Chris were in Haiti bringing home their daughters, Lovely and Rosalynda. After 2 years of waiting for the girls, they were picking them up. I just keep thinking of the miracle that they are here safe with  Chris...

Settling back in.

Getting back to the routine has been a bit limited with VBS this week, but we are somewhat getting into a new groove. Time with the new chicks, Matheau’s reading C.S. Lewis’ “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” aloud, time with each other,...

Another type of bird…

Only they now live at our house and will someday lay eggs. 17 chicks arrived yesterday morning. They all have been named and received much attention since then. 

Some new girls.

After Suzanne heard about the loss of our hens, she brought over four hens. Thank you Suzanne!! Here are a couple of photos. They are so much bigger then our other three…     Â