We ended up without a football(at least American football) for Lizzie’s cake, but we did find some other cake decorations to use. For the cake and frosting, I used recipes from Apples For Jam. I absolutely love this cookbook, from main courses to desserts – it rocks. The weekend goes so fast, I can hardly believe it is Monday evening. The good thing is bedrooms are clean, the garden is cleaned up and watered, dishes are done, and bread is ready to go in the oven. Yes, I said bread!! Hannah is going to have a sandwich with her lunch tomorrow and I am making some bread.  I am probably more excited then she is.Â
Here is Matheau with the kids and my sample hat from the pattern from Brooklyn Tweed. Not much knitting done this weekend, but I did a bit of stitching for a birthday girl. I have several sewing projects/birthday gifts to complete before the end of this month…  Â
I love the picture of Liz, the cat and the cake. It is sooo good of them.